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Determinants and Outcomes of Knowledge Workers’ Commitment to the Organization



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Publisher : Virtual University of Pakistan

Date Issued: 1/28/2016 12:00:00 AM


Medical Specialists, attributed as knowledge worker in this study, are considered to be an asset for the organizations they are serving not only because of their knowledge but also due to huge investment Govt. of Pakistan is spending annually on their medical education. The current study is set out to explore and examine the antecedents and consequences of organizational commitment of knowledge workers serving as medical specialists in public and private hospitals of Lahore region of Pakistan. The organizational commitment of knowledge workers is not ignorable because generally, the commitment level of knowledge workers is high towards their profession as compare to the organization where they are serving. Due to this reason, it is very critical to know the source(s) of commitment of knowledge workers towards their organizations. For this reason, researcher was motivated to conduct the current study to know what could be done to keep them committed so that they continue to serve within country rather than going abroad or frequently switch their organizations. A quantitative questionnaire based survey was launched and about 350 randomly selected medical specialists/surgeons/dental doctors of Lahore city were contacted to find determinants and outcomes of their commitment to the organizations. The respondents were either serving in different medical colleges as teaching faculty or they are general practitioners in different public/private hospitals. This research contributes the empirical evidence of the organizational commitment of the knowledge workers, their determinants and outcomes. The research results endorsed the fact that perceived organizational support and organizational justice are the determinants of organizational commitment as both are positively related with organizational commitment. As a consequence, current study also supports that a committed knowledge worker not only has least intention to leave the organization but is also willing to share his/her knowledge with peers and organizations. It is because that organizational commitment is negatively related with turnover intention and positively related with knowledge sharing intentions. The results of this research are also worthwhile for management of public and private hospitals to determine how they can retain knowledge workers by addressing key factors necessary to keep their commitment level high.


Citation: Rubaca, U. (2016). Determinants and Outcomes of Knowledge Workers’ Commitment to the Organization. Virtual University of Pakistan, (Lahore, Pakistan).

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