
The Virtual University, Pakistan’s first University based completely on modern Information and Communication Technologies, was established by the Government as a public sector, not-for-profit institution with a clear mission: to provide extremely affordable world class education to aspiring students all over the country.

Using free-to-air satellite television broadcasts and the Internet, the Virtual University allows students to follow its rigorous programs regardless of their physical locations. It thus aims at alleviating the lack of capacity in the existing universities while simultaneously tackling the acute shortage of qualified professors in the country. By identifying the top Professors of the country, regardless of their institutional affiliations, and requesting them to develop and deliver hand-crafted courses, the Virtual University aims at providing the very best courses to not only its own students but also to students of all other universities in the country.

Agent Based Cloud Computing Service for Software Testing



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Publisher : Virtual University of Pakistan

Date Issued: 4/21/2017 12:00:00 AM


The basic purpose of software testing process is executing a program with the intent of finding software bugs. Software testing ensures that software would work as it was expected by the target customer and likely to fulfill the assigned functionality. Testing provide mechanism through controlled dynamic execution of software and comparing the result against the pre-determined criteria to ensure the evidence of software quality. Software testing involves the execution of software and observation of failure and fixing the fault that causes the failure. In this research work, conceptual framework is proposed for Testing as a Service (TaaS) to measure the scalability of e-learning and e-commerce applications. It can be provided as fully automated service in cloud having elastic resources that can be granted or ceased on demand for real software. TaaS will reduce cost by providing resource sharing during the test for large information technology (IT) companies. It will provide the scalable and virtualized environment to address the Software as a Service (SaaS) scalability. The goal is to provide on demand testing. E-learning and e-commerce applications will be validated through our web service. As in automated testing there are some licensing issues and human interactions required, but in case of Testing as a Service code will be automatically tested for developers and end users to validate the software and to get certificate for reliability and scalability of software. An Agent based Cloud Testing as a Service (ACTS) framework is developed for testing e-commerce and e-learning applications. Different agents collaborate to facilitate the software testing as a service in cloud environment. Different software agents are grouped together to perform specific testing type with in the integrated framework.


Citation: Farooq, M. U. (2017). Agent Based Cloud Computing Service for Software Testing. Virtual University of Pakistan, (Lahore, Pakistan).

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